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Editorial Services

Behind every great writer are many skilled editors, all championing your story through every word.



Why Have Me as Your Editor?


I've spent the majority of my professional and personal life reviewing, critiquing, and crafting stories. Currently, I am a freelance editor, working for independent authors and independent publishers such as Vine Leaves Press, Jenkins Group, and She Writes Press, among others. I'm also a reviewer for Foreword Reviews, the first book reviewer to prioritize independently published books, whether they're from mid- to small-sized publishers or independent authors. Formerly, I was the editor of a indie publisher Brown Books Publishing Group and held internships at both the Santa Fe Writers Project and Bull City Film Festival, and received two BAs from the University of North Texas: English (emphasis in creative writing) and international studies. Outside of freelance editing work, I'm a bookseller at Barnes and Noble to gain insight on how books are distributed, sold, and what readers' expectations are. All of my work is book-oriented, so you can have the best editor possible. 




With experience editing over fifty books that range from nonfiction, fiction, children's, middle-grade, and even some coffee table books, I bring a valuable perspective on the editorial process of publishing and an uplifting editorial experience. My main focuses in editing are developmental edits and copyedits/proofreading, with a great love for line editing. With developmental edits, I focus on structure, plot, tone, and content, helping shape and form your existing writing into a cohesive work that grips your reader from start to end. The devil is in the details, as they say, with copy editing, and I'm on a mission to make sure there's no devil-esque errors in your manuscript, whether spelling, punctuation, or facts. No matter the genre you're writing, I'm positive that my editorial insight will help you think critically and creatively about your work, making sure the manuscript you publish is the version that's been living in your head all along. â€‹


I'm also an editor that keeps up with what it's like to be an author. I'm an avid short story and novel writer, often submitting work to literary journals and receiving feedback on my own work from other editors and readers. While this has garnered me a few publications in great literary journals, I've also experienced the highs and lows of my favorite pieces being accepted while others are rejected, and the near misses that come with submissions. Publishing is a tough industry, both for first-time and seasoned professionals—it is filled with competitiveness and subjectivity. But it's also filled with passion, new ideas, and a strong community that make it a truly rewarding experience. I resonate with both the author side of publishing as well as the editing side, and strive to use my dual perspective to champion each author toward their goals—whether getting a publishing deal with a company, submitting to lit journals, self-publishing, or writing work for fun. 


To see my latest resume that includes my work history, technical skills, sample list of edited titles, and back cover copywriting samples, click hereExplore my editorial services to find which one you need for your book, and let me champion you and your book to the finish line. 

Paper Pages

Developmental Editing

Congratulations! You've finished your book. Before you run to the press or a literary agent with it, you might feel that your book could benefit from having a careful eye read it, making sure every chapter, character, or idea comes across the exact way you intended. 


Developmental editing is where the major pieces of the book are honed. Even the best writers need an editor to make sure their characters are behaving authentically, their book is organized to fit their topic, and check that the book has no glaring components that will make a reader wonder what they just read. 


As your developmental editor, I'll write you a tailor-made editorial letter for your genre (whether fiction, nonfiction, or a short story) that will outline your work's structure, what it's doing well, what it isn't, and what it needs to make it the most compelling read of the year. Three rounds are included in this stage of editing, the first being the editorial letter mentioned above. Microsoft Word's track changes and comments features will be used for the second, and the third round is a final review.



$0.03 cents/word

Accepted Genres: Fiction // Nonfiction // Short Stories

Line Editing

The major pieces of your book are in place, and your confident that everything you say will be the next million-dollar sentence. Your words make sense to you, so they must make sense to everyone else, right?


Not always. This is where the next step of editing comes in. In a line edit, I'll go through your manuscript with an ear for your voice and eye for your style, considering word choice, sentence structure, and continuity of elements. My goal will be to enhance and clear up your sentence, making sure your writing is clear and cohesive and your book will be impactful down to the last word. I will also note any consistency errors or smaller developmental editing items, such as suggestions for rewriting paragraphs for more emotional impact. 


All markup is done in track changes and queries (comments) in Microsoft Word, and you will receive a style sheet regarding facts, information, and preferred formatting of elements to take to your copy editor. Two rounds of edits are included in this service, the first being the initial read through, and the second being a review of any changes made from queries I've asked. 



$0.02 per word

Accepted Genres: Fiction // Nonfiction // Short Stories



Copyediting and Proofreading

These stages are essential for any author, from a New York Times bestseller to a debut author on the journey of self-publishing. Copyediting includes fact checking (both real-world and fictional facts), picking the correct punctuation, and creating a comprehensive style sheet specific to your book. Proofreading—the editing check done after the book is laid out—is best described as a mini-copyedit as well as a layout check. 


As your copy editor, I'll perform all edits in track changes, query you on continuity, and create a detailed style sheet that you can take to your proofreader. For proofreading, I will make clear, concise notes for your layout artist to make the appropriate editorial changes so reading your work is a seamless experience. Both stages are performed in accordance with The Chicago Manual of Style (Seventeenth Edition) and Merriam-Webster, the publishing-industry standards for editing. 



Copyediting: $0.015 cents per word 

Proofreading: $0.01 cent per word 

All Genres Accepted

Tropical Flower

Back Cover Copywriting


After I perform a full, comprehensive read of your book, I'll create you a back cover copy that will capture your voice, your book's content, and your reader's attention all in one. With my eye for editorial integrity and marketing flare, I'll write two distinct versions for your review. Once you've picked your favorite and provide me your feedback, I'll make revisions, producing a back cover copy that will make you want to read your book all over again. 



Children's Books: $75

Novellas, Early Chapter, and Middle Grade Books (up to 50,000 words): $150

Books 50,001–80,000 words: $250

Books 80,001+ words: $325

All Genres Accepted

You've written, edited, and laid out your book. You have your cover, but what marketing materials go on it? How do you create a copy that will grab readers in seconds and get them interested enough to buy your book and not the one sitting right next to it?

Image by RetroSupply
Image by RetroSupply

Looking for Something Else? 

While the offerings above are the major four steps of book editing, and back cover copywriting being a resource every book needs, there may be something else you were looking for that isn't listed here. Maybe you need a book coach that will keep you accountable through your writing. You could be looking for a ghostwriter that matches your style and knows how to structure a book, one that will provide in-depth interviews and deliver chapters in a timely manner. Or maybe you need something as simple as finding a beta reader who's never read your story to give some high-level and honest feedback, then write a Goodreads/Amazon review for your book. Whatever the case may be, feel free to reach out with what you have in mind, and let me see how I can help champion your story! 

Consistency and Flexibility

As an editor, a montage that I live by is "consistency and flexibility." I deliver consistent quality of work and am flexible to work with so we can bring your book up to the highest quality possible. That being said, I'm also consistent in my commitment to support writers and can be flexible on my pricing. If you are wanting one of the following services but your budget doesn't match exactly, reach out to me still. I'm open to discussing rates and services that fit both of our wants and needs. 

Want to Work Together? Let's Get in Touch!

Send me an email at with the subject line, "[Manuscript Title] - Seeking [Editing Service]." 


Example: "My Amazing Manuscript - Seeking Developmental Editing"


In the body of your email, please address who you are, the genre of your manuscript, how long your manuscript is (word count preferable, will take page count), and if your manuscript is complete. You may list any materials that you believe would be good for me to know, such as but not including: if you've had editors previously, if this is your first manuscript, a preexisting style sheet, etc. The first two chapters of your book would be nice to view at this time, though not required. 

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